Browsing by Author DEL-PONTE, BIANCA
Showing rec. 1 to 4 of 4
Issue Date | Title | Author(s) |
2019 | Effect of Parental Counseling on Infants? Healthy Sleep Habits in Brazil | Ina da Silva dos Santos; DEL-PONTE, BIANCA; TOVO-RODRIGUES, LUCIANA, et al |
2020 | Intenção de amamentar, duração do aleitamento materno e motivos para o desmame: um estudo de coorte, Pelotas, RS, 2014* | AMARAL, SHEILA AFONSO DO; BIELEMANN, RENATA MORAES; DEL-PONTE, BIANCA, et al |
2019 | Sugar consumption and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD): A birth cohort study | DEL-PONTE, BIANCA; Luciana Anselmi; Maria Cecília F. Assunção, et al |
2020 | Validity of the Brief Infant Sleep Questionnaire (BISQ) in Brazilian children | DEL-PONTE, BIANCA; XAVIER, MARIANA O.; BASSANI, DIEGO G., et al |