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Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2011K2: uma arquitetura para a adaptação de agentes de software ao contextoLemke, Ana Paula
2015Kafka e Josefina, ou: a solidão da sigularidadeRicardo Timm de Souza
2013Kaingáng: uma história das interações entre nativos e ocidentais durante a conquista e a colonização no sul do Planalto MeridionalFrancisco, Aline Ramos
2022Kant e o problema do formalismo jurídicoThadeu Weber
2021Karl Loewenstein no Brasil de Vargas. O olhar de um jurista judeu-alemão sobre o Estado NovoLuis Rosenfield
2019Key drivers for public value creation enhancing the adoption of electronic public services by citizensKaren Maria Gross Lopes; MACADAR, MARIE ANNE; Edimara Mezzomo Luciano
2021Khan Academy: as potencialidades como objeto de aprendizagemCassiano Scott Puhl; RESENDE, BRUNO; Thaísa Jacintho Müller
2016Kidney Transplantation at a Southern Brazilian University Hospital: A 35-Year Practice ReviewKROTH, L.V.; BARREIRO, F.F.; David Saitovitch, et al
2023Kierkegaard e a reabilitação do eu: um diálogo com o homem contemporâneo, sua natureza e culturaSamuel, Fabian Sichonany
2011Kinetic characterization and gene expression of adenosine deaminase in intact trophozoites of Trichomonas vaginalisWeizenmann, Marina; Frasson, Amanda Piccoli; de Barros, Muriel Primon, et al
2008Kinetic characterization of adenosine deaminase activity in zebrafish (Danio rerio) brainDenis Brock Rosemberg; RICO, E; SENGER, M, et al
2010Kinin B1 receptors mediate depression-like behavior response in stressed mice treated with systemic E. coli lipopolysaccharideViana, Alice F; Maciel, Izaque S; Dornelles, Fabiana N, et al
2011Kinin B1 receptors mediate depression-like behavior response in stressed mice treated with systemic E. coli lipopolysaccharideViana, A. F.; Maciel, I.S.; DORNELLES, F.N., et al
2020Kinins and Their Receptors in Infectious DiseasesDAGNINO, ANA PAULA A.; Maria Martha Campos; SILVA, RODRIGO B. M.
2019KIR gene haplotype A is associated with hospital mortality in patients with sepsisOLIVEIRA, LUCIANA M.; PORTELA, PAMELA; MERZONI, JOICE, et al
2009Knee x-ray image analysis method for automated detection of osteoarthritisL Shamir; Shari Ling; WW Scott, et al
2015Knowledge Creation and Loss within a Software Organization: An Exploratory Case StudyVIANA, DAVI; CONTE, TAYANA; Sabrina dos Santos Marczak, et al
2014Knowledge Creation and Loss within a Software Organization: An Exploratory Case StudyDavi Viana; Tayana Conte; Sabrina dos Santos Marczak, et al
2021Knowledge hiding and knowledge hoarding: A systematic literature reviewMírian Oliveira; CURADO, CARLA; GARCIA, PLÍNIO SILVA
2014Knowledge management in small and micro enterprises: applying a maturity modelMírian Oliveira; Cristiane D. Pedron; Felipe Nodari, et al