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Showing rec. 25947 to 25966 of 25966   ◄ previous   
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2009Zebrafish (Danio rerio) como modelo para estudo da toxicidade induzida pelo ferroSant'Anna, Maria Cristina Berta
2020Zebrafish as a model for inflammation and drug discoveryZANANDREA, RODRIGO; Carla Denise Bonan; Campos, Maria Martha
2021Zebrafish as a tool for the discovery of anticonvulsant compounds from botanical constituentsBERTONCELLO, KANANDRA TAISA; Carla Denise Bonan
2022Zebrafish as a Tool in the Study of Sleep and Memory-related DisordersALTENHOFEN, STEFANI; Carla Denise Bonan
2022Zebrafish as model for studies in dentistryAmanda Ohashi; DE SOUZA SCHACHER, HELENA REIS; Christiane S. Pizzato, et al
2020Zebrafish models: Gaining insight into purinergic signaling and neurological disordersNABINGER, DÉBORA DREHER; ALTENHOFEN, STEFANI; Carla Denise Bonan
2011Zebrafish neurotransmitter systems as potential pharmacological and toxicological targetsRico, E.P.; Rosemberg, D.B.; Seibt, K.J., et al
2020Zeolite and fly ash in the composition of oil well cement: Evaluation of degradation by CO2 under geological storage conditionLEDESMA, ROGER BRAUN; LOPES, NATÁLIA FEIJÓ; BACCA, KATRYANNE GEORG, et al
2019Zeolite and fly ash in the composition of oil well cement: Evaluation of degradation by CO2 under geological storage conditionLEDESMA, ROGER BRAUN; LOPES, NATÁLIA FEIJÓ; BACCA, KATRYANNE GEORG, et al
2020Zika virus and the brain: a functional and structural magnetic resonance imaging study of infants with congenital microcephaly associated to Zika virus exposureEsper, Nathalia Bianchini
2022Zika virus congenital microcephaly severity classification and the association of severity with neuropsychomotor developmentNathália Bianchini Esper; Alexandre Rosa Franco; Ricardo Bernardi Soder, et al
2019Zirconium Oxide Three-Unit Fixed Partial Denture Frameworks Supported by Dental Implants in Acceptable and Reduced Interocclusal Space Possibilities: Pilot In Vitro Fracture Strength and Fractographic AnalysesGEHRKE, SÉRGIO; BONACHELA, WELLINGTON; MORENO, JÉSSICA, et al
2021Zona livre: cyberpunk e brasilidadeCarvalho, André Rodrigues de
2015Zona sul de Porto Alegre: uma experiência em história oralClaudia Musa Fay; Janete Machado
2011Zoneamento ecológico do morro São Pedro, Porto Alegre, RS: subsídio para o monitoramento da população de bugios-ruivosRafael Magalhães Rabelo; Aline dos Santos Grais; Régis A. Lahm, et al
2014Zoró: Aldeia Escola Zarup Wej : ensino médio, currículo e ensino de história (1989-2013)Santos, Devanir Aparecido dos
2014Zumbis vs Sedentários: Quem irá vencer? Avaliando a Usabilidade do Aplicativo Zombies, Run!Aline Zanin; Vanessa S. Machado; Walter Paixão-Cortes, et al
2022µProteInS - a proteogenomics pipeline for finding novel bacterial microproteins encoded by small ORFsDE SOUZA, EDUARDO VIEIRA; DALBERTO, PEDRO FERRARI; MACHADO, VINICIUS PELLISOLI, et al
2022µProteInS - a proteogenomics pipeline for finding novel bacterial microproteins encoded by small ORFsDE SOUZA, EDUARDO VIEIRA; DALBERTO, PEDRO FERRARI; MACHADO, VINICIUS PELLISOLI, et al
2022µProteInS-a proteogenomics pipeline for finding novel bacterial microproteins encoded by small ORFsDE SOUZA, EDUARDO VIEIRA; DALBERTO, PEDRO FERRARI; MACHADO, VINICIUS PELLISOLI, et al