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Resultados em Itens:
Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2021ML-driven classification scheme for dynamic interference-aware resource scheduling in cloud infrastructuresVinicius Meyer; Dionatra Kirchoff; DA SILVA, MATHEUS L.; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose
2019Orthogonal persistence in nonvolatile memory architectures: A persistent heap design and its implementation for a Java Virtual MachineTaciano D. Perez; Marcelo Veiga Neves; diego medaglia; pedro monteiro; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose
2016E-eco: Performance-Aware Energy-Efficient Cloud Data Center OrchestrationFabio Rossi; Miguel Xavier; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose
2017Modeling and simulation of global and sleep states in ACPI-compliant energy-efficient cloud environmentsMiguel Xavier; ROSSI, FABIO D.; CALHEIROS, RODRIGO N.; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose
2011Server consolidation with migration control for virtualized data centersFerreto, Tiago C.; Netto, Marco A.S.; CALHEIROS, RODRIGO N.; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose
2008Allocation Strategies for Utilization of Space Shared Resources in Bag of Tasks GridsCesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose; Tiago Ferreto; Rodrigo Neves Calheiros; Walfredo da Costa Cirne Filho; Lauro Costa
2005The I-Cluster Cloud: Distributed Management of Idle Resources for Intense ComputingBruno Richard; Nicolas Maillard; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose; Reynaldo Novaes
2022IADA: A dynamic interference-aware cloud scheduling architecture for latency-sensitive workloadsMeyer, Vinícius; DA SILVA, MATHEUS L.; Kirchoff, Dionatrã F.; Cesar Augusto Fonticielha De Rose