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Resultados 13051-13060 de 25472 (Tempo de busca: 0.008 Segundos).
Resultados em Itens:
Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2013On the Development of a Theoretical Model of the Impact of Trust in the Performance of Distributed Software ProjectsSabrina dos Santos Marczak; Vanessa Gomes
2012Attitude and usage of collaboration tools in GSE: A practitioner oriented theoryWANG, YI; TRAINER, ERIK; AL-ANI, BAN; Sabrina dos Santos Marczak; REDMILES, DAVID
2013Expanding Empirical Studies to Better Understand Requirements-driven CollaborationSabrina dos Santos Marczak; Irum Inayat; Siti Salwa Salim
2012A Systematic Tertiary Study of Communication in Distributed Software Development ProjectsAline dos Santos; Ivaldir de Farias; Hermano de Moura; Sabrina dos Santos Marczak
2011How Interaction between Roles Shapes the Communication Structure in Requirements-Driven CollaborationSabrina dos Santos Marczak; Daniela Damian
2017Using Big Five Personality Model to Detect Cultural Aspects in CrowdsRodolfo Favaretto; Leandro Dihl; Felipe Andrade; Angelo Costa Brandelli; Soraia Raupp Musse
2018Simulating Crowd Evacuation: From Comfort to Panic SituationsGabriel Rockenbach; Conrado Boeira; Diogo Schaffer; André Antonitsch; Soraia Raupp Musse
2018Simulating Crowds with OCEAN Personality TraitsPaulo Knob; Marcio Balotin; Soraia Raupp Musse
2018Simulating Virtual Humans Crowds in FacilitiesDiogo Schaffer; Conrado Boeira; Maurer, Guilherme; Gabriel Rockenbach; André Antonitsch; Soraia Raupp Musse
2017Giving Emotional Contagion Ability to Virtual Agents in CrowdsAmyr Borges Fontes Neto; Catherine Pelachaud; Soraia Raupp Musse