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Resultados 101-110 de 239 (Tempo de busca: 0.001 Segundos).
Resultados em Itens:
Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2020Ground-glass opacities associated with pulmonary cystsEdson dos Santos Marchiori; Bruno Hochhegger; Zanetti, Gláucia
2020Bronchial Atresia with calcified bronchoceleEdson dos Santos Marchiori; Bruno Hochhegger; Zanetti, Gláucia
2020Factors associated with subcentimeter pulmonary nodule outcomes followed with computed tomography imaging in oncology patientsDE MORAIS, ANDRÉ QUEIROZ; DA SILVA, THIAGO PEREIRA FERNANDES; BRAGA, JULIANA CRISTINA DUARTE; TEIXEIRA, DIOGO FÁBIO DIAS; BARBOSA, PAULA NICOLE VIEIRA PINTO; HADDAD, FÁBIO JOSÉ; GROSS, JEFFERSON LUIZ; SANTANA, PABLO RYDZ PINHEIRO; Bruno Hochhegger; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; GUIMARÃES, MARCOS DUARTE
2020Lymphocytic interstitial pneumonia: computed tomography findings in 36 patientsLOUZA, GUILHERME FELIX; Nobre, Luiz Felipe; Mançano, Alexandre Dias; Bruno Hochhegger; SOUZA JR., ARTHUR SOARES; Zanetti, Gláucia; Edson dos Santos Marchiori
2020CT characteristics of COVID-19: reversed halo sign or target sign?Edson dos Santos Marchiori; Nobre, Luiz Felipe; Bruno Hochhegger; Zanetti, Gláucia
2020Importance of the reversed halo sign for diagnosis of mucormycosisEdson dos Santos Marchiori; Bruno Hochhegger; Zanetti, Gláucia
2021Three-dimensional virtual planning for nodule resection in solid organs: A systematic review and meta-analysisZANON, MATHEUS; ALTMAYER, STEPHAN; WATTE, GUILHERME; PACINI, GABRIEL SARTORI; MOHAMMED, TAN-LUCIEN; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; PINTO FILHO, DARCY RIBEIRO; Bruno Hochhegger
2021The impact of lung parenchyma attenuation on nodule volumetry in lung cancer screeningPENHA, DIANA; PINTO, ERIQUE; Bruno Hochhegger; MONAGHAN, COLIN; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; TABORDA-BARATA, LUÍS; Irion, Klaus
2021MRI-based differentiation between lymphoma and sarcoidosis in mediastinal lymph nodesDE SOUZA SANTOS1, FRANCISCO; VERMA2, NUPUR; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; WATTE1, GUILHERME; M MEDEIROS, TÁSSIA; H MOHAMMED2, TAN-LUCIEN; Bruno Hochhegger
2021Need for analgesia after percutaneous liver biopsy: a real-life experienceAMARAL, RICARDO HOLDERBAUM DO; DEPREZ, FABRICE C.; DALLA-BONA, JOÃO PEDRO; WATTE, GUILHERME; ROXO, RÔMULO SANTOS; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; Bruno Hochhegger