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Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2019Depression and Somatization in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders in a Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Southern BrazilREHM, DANIELA; PROGIANTE, PATRÍCIA; PATTUSSI, MARCOS, et al
2022Depression, somatization, and sleep disorders as risk factors for temporomandibular disorders development: a population-based case-control studyREHM, DANIELA DISCONZI SEITENFUS; Patricia Progiante; Marcos Pascoal Pattussi, et al
2012Effects of the bite splint 15-day treatment termination in patients with temporomandibular disorder with a clinical history of sleep bruxism: a longitudianl single-cohort studyDaniela D. Seintenfuss; Vivian Mainieri; Aline Cristina Saueressig, et al
2018Efficacy of a mandibular advancement intraoral appliance (MOA) for the treatment of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) in pediatric patients: A pilot-studyGabriela Modesti Vedolin; Caroline Chies; Simone Chaves Fagondes, et al
2019Estudo de associação entre distúrbios do sono e variáveis de saúde bucal: autopercepçãoPEREIRA, DUZIENE D.; Marcos Pascoal Pattussi; Márcio Lima Grossi
2019Evaluation of Marginal Misfit of Implant-Supported Fixed Prostheses Made Using Different TechniquesGOMES, JÉSSICA; DE MORAES, SANDRA; SANTIAGO JÚNIOR, JOEL, et al
2019General Health Quality of Life in Patients with Temporomandibular Disorders in a Population-Based Cross-Sectional Study in Southern BrazilPIGOZZI, LUCAS; PROGIANTE, PATRÍCIA; PATTUSSI, MARCOS, et al
2007Occlusal Risks Factors for Temporomandibular DisordersCaio Selaimen; José Jeronymo; Diego Brilhante, et al
2020Periodontitis is an inflammatory disease of oxidative stress: We should treat it that waySCZEPANIK, FÁBIO SÁ CARNEIRO; Márcio Lima Grossi; CASATI, MÁRCIO, et al
2011Prevalence of Temporomandibular Disorders and Orofacial Pain (TMD and OFP) in Battered Women in Brazilian SheltersPatrícia Saram Progiante; Denise Munareto Ficht; Marlise Silva Lemos, et al
2011Prevalence of temporomandibular disorders and orofacial pain in battered women in Brazilian sheltersProgiante, Patricia Saram; Denise Ficht; Marlise Lemos, et al
2015Prevalence of Temporomandibular disorders in an adult brazilian community population using the research diagnosis criteria (axis I and II) for temporomandibular disorders (teh Maringa Study)Patrícia Saram Progiante; Marcos Patussi; Herenia Lawrence, et al
2009Prevalência das disfunções temporomandibulares e dor orofacial em mulheres em situação de violência doméstica que acessam as redes de apoioPatrícia Krieger Grossi; Marlise Lemos; Amanda Frizzo Viecilli, et al
2016Prevalência de Abuso Físico e Sexual entre Mulheres com e sem Disfunção Têmporo-Mandibular: Um Estudo Caso-ControleCaroline Hoffmann Bueno; Mariana Alvares de Abreu e Silva; Eduardo Rolim Teixeira, et al
2021Properties of Acrylic Resin For CAD/CAM: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of In Vitro StudiesEmanuele de Oliveira; Elisa Zancanaro de Figueiredo; Ana Maria Spohr, et al
2021Properties of Acrylic Resin For CAD/CAM: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of In Vitro StudiesOLIVEIRA, EMANUELE; FIGUEIREDO, ELISA ZANCANARO; Ana Maria Spohr, et al
2020Propriedades da Resina Acrílica Para CAD/CAM: Revisão Sistemática e Metanálise de Estudos In VitroOLIVEIRA, EMANUELE; Elisa Zancanaro de Figueired; Márcio Lima Grossi
2021Quality of life in young and middle age adult temporomandibular disorders patients and asymptomatic subjects: a systematic review and meta-analysisLUCAS BOZZETTI PIGOZZI; Duziane Denardini Pereira; Marcos Pascoal Pattussi, et al
2022Size, Shape, Alignment, and Arrangement ? Four Steps to Optimize Dentofacial Composition in Smile Design using the Patient-Centered Concept: A Dental TechniqueRuy Teichert Filho; Maximiliano Schünke Gomes; Márcio Lima Grossi
2022Size, shape, alignment, and arrangement-4 steps to optimize dentofacial composition in smile design by using the patient-centered concept: A dental techniqueTEICHERT-FILHO, RUY; GOMES, MAXIMILIANO S.; Márcio Lima Grossi