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Data de publicaçãoTítuloAutor(es)
2016High-resolution CT findings of pulmonary <i>Mycobacterium tuberculosis</i> infection in renal transplant recipientsPEREIRA, MARISA; GAZZONI, FERNANDO F; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; Irion, Klaus; Moreira, Jose; GIACOMELLI, IRAI L; PASQUALOTTO, ALESSANDRO; Bruno Hochhegger
2019Pulmonary Acinus: Understanding the Computed Tomography Findings from an Acinar PerspectiveBruno Hochhegger; LANGER, FELIPE W.; Irion, Klaus; SOUZA, ARTHUR; Moreira, José; BALDISSEROTTO, MATTEO; PALLAORO, YANA; MULLER, ENRICO; MEDEIROS, TASSIA MACHADO; ALTMAYER, STEPHAN; Edson dos Santos Marchiori
2021The impact of lung parenchyma attenuation on nodule volumetry in lung cancer screeningPENHA, DIANA; PINTO, ERIQUE; Bruno Hochhegger; MONAGHAN, COLIN; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; TABORDA-BARATA, LUÍS; Irion, Klaus
2021CO-RADS: Coronavirus Classification ReviewPENHA, DIANA; PINTO, ERIQUE GUEDES; MATOS, FERNANDO; Bruno Hochhegger; MONAGHAN, COLIN; TABORDA-BARATA, LUÍS; Irion, Klaus; Edson dos Santos Marchiori
2021The impact of lung parenchyma attenuation on nodule volumetry in lung cancer screeningPENHA, DIANA; PINTO, ERIQUE; Bruno Hochhegger; MONAGHAN, COLIN; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; TABORDA-BARATA, LUÍS; Irion, Klaus
2021CO-RADS: Coronavirus Classification ReviewPENHA, DIANA; PINTO, ERIQUE GUEDES; MATOS, FERNANDO; Bruno Hochhegger; MONAGHAN, COLIN; TABORDA-BARATA, LUÍS; Irion, Klaus; Edson dos Santos Marchiori
2019Pulmonary Acinus: Understanding the Computed Tomography Findings from an Acinar PerspectiveBruno Hochhegger; LANGER, FELIPE W.; Irion, Klaus; SOUZA, ARTHUR; Moreira, José; BALDISSEROTTO, MATTEO; PALLAORO, YANA; MULLER, ENRICO; MEDEIROS, TASSIA MACHADO; ALTMAYER, STEPHAN; Edson dos Santos Marchiori
2017Reply to Letter to the Editor re: Magnetic resonance imaging of pulmonary nodules: accuracy in a granulomatous disease-endemic regionCONCATTO, NATÁLIA HENZ; WATTE, GUILHERME; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; Irion, Klaus; FELICETTI, JOSÉ CARLOS; Camargo, José Jesus; Bruno Hochhegger
2017Computed Tomography Findings of Bronchiectasis in Different Respiratory Phases Correlate with Pulmonary Function Test Data in AdultsDO AMARAL, RICARDO HOLDERBAUM; NIN, CARLOS S.; DE SOUZA, VINICIUS V. S.; ALVES, GIORDANO R. T.; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; Irion, Klaus; MEIRELLES, GUSTAVO S. P.; Bruno Hochhegger
2017-Pulmonary Vein Sign- for Pulmonary Embolism Diagnosis in Computed Tomography AngiographySOUZA, LUCIANA VOLPON SOARES; ZANON, MATHEUS; Souza, Arthur Soares; Irion, Klaus; PENHA, DIANA; ALVES, GIORDANO RAFAEL TRONCO; Edson dos Santos Marchiori; Bruno Hochhegger