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Type: Article
Title: Modelling of Heat Transfer, Dendrite Microstructure and Grain Size in Continuous Casting of Steels
Author(s): Vinicius Karlinski
Viviane Lopes da Silva Gschwenter
Heli Kytönen
Carlos Alexandre dos Santos
Jaime Alvares Spim
Seppo Louhenkilpi
Jyrki Miettinen
In: Steel Research International
Issue Date: 2010
Volume: 81
Issue: 6
First page: 461
Last page: 471
Keywords: Lingotamento Contínuo de Aços
Transferência de Calor
Microestruturas de Solidificação
DOI: DOI:10.1002/srin.201000026
ISSN: 1611-3683
Appears in Collections:Artigo de Periódico

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