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Type: Monografia
Title: Discurso do encantamento: uma análise sobre o discurso de brand equity do NuBank
Author(s): Silveira, Vinicius Saraiva
Advisor: Carvalho, Cristiane Mafacioli
Issue Date: 2020
Abstract: Este estudo busca compreender quis são as estratégias e técnicas utilizadas pela marca NuBank na construção de brand equity através do seu discurso de encantamento. Para isto, foram introduzidos conceitos de discurso publicitário e brand equity como base teórica. Buscou-se identificar quais são as estratégias utilizadas pela marca para encantar clientes e formar defensores da marca que compartilham dos mesmos valores e multiplicam as suas experiências com outras pessoas. Como objeto de estudo analisamos as publicações da marca e de clientes em diferentes mídias sob a perspectiva da análise de discurso. Como principais resultados, identificamos que as estratégias discursivas e os eixos de brand equity conduzem o estabelecimento de contratos de comunicações que são legitimados pela marca com os seus clientes de modo que o comprometimento de ambas as partes é renovado constantemente. Em suma, as estratégias discursivas de brand equity conduzem clientes a compartilharem os mesmos valores da marca e compartilhá-los com outros indivíduos que identificam e buscam problemas já normatizados.
This study aims to understand what strategies and techniques are used by the brand NuBank in the construction of brand equity through its incantation speech. To do that, publicity discourse concepts and brand equity concepts were introduced as theoretical basis. The strategies which are used by the brand to enchant clients and form its defenders, who share the same values and multiply their experiences with others, were identified. As study object, publications made by the brand and its clients in different medias were analyzed under the perspective of discourse analysis. As main results, it has been identified that discursive strategies and the axes of brand equity conduct to the establishment of communication contracts which are legitimated by the brand with its clients in a way that the commitment of both sides is constantly renewed. In short, the strategic discourses of brand equity conduct clients to share the same values from the brand and share them with other individuals who identify and seek problems that have already been standardized.
Appears in Collections:TCC Publicidade e Propaganda

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